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Skin Medicine Aesthetics Training Academy











This regulation defines the rules of operation for Skin Medicine Aesthetics Training Academy Marta Buczkowska (hereinafter: Skin Medicine) and the terms of use of the website available at, as well as the rights and obligations of the Seller and the Buyer.


1. By using the offer, you accept the rules of this regulation and the information related to personal data protection and the rights of the Buyer, the current version of which has been posted on the profiles:

   a) Facebook (SkinMedicineAestheticsTrainingAcademy).

   b) Instagram (

   c) Website (

   Additionally, at the Seller's registered office located at 382B Blackpool Road, PR2 2DS Preston.


2. The owner of Skin Medicine Aesthetics Training Academy is:

   Marta Buczkowska, operating her business under the name Skin Medicine, located at 382B Blackpool Road, PR2 2DS Preston, email:, contact phone: 07309766797.


3. The Buyer, as understood in this Regulation, is any natural person, legal entity, or organizational unit without legal personality but possessing legal capacity, who, under the terms specified in this regulation, uses the services offered by the Seller as part of Skin Medicine's activities and who has entered into an appropriate agreement in this regard.


4. A Consumer, as defined in this Regulation, is any natural person making a purchase and using the services offered by the Seller in a manner not directly related to their business or professional activity (according to Article 221 of the Civil Code).


5. An Entrepreneur, as defined in this Regulation, is a natural person, legal entity, and organizational unit that is not a legal entity but has legal capacity under a separate law, performing business activities in their own name. Partners in a civil partnership are also considered Entrepreneurs in the scope of their business activities.


6. A Service, as understood in this Regulation, is the provision of a service in the field of aesthetic medicine, cosmetic treatments using specialized equipment and products, spa treatments, sale of skin products, training in aesthetic medicine, training in cosmetology, and other trainings listed in the following regulation. All current Services are listed and described on Facebook, Instagram, or the Website, which relate to the sales agreement or other civil law agreement made between the Seller and the Buyer.


7. Follower - a person with an account on social media, such as Instagram, Facebook, etc., who follows the Skin Medicine profiles on these social media platforms.





1. The Buyer of services in the Clinic can be any adult natural person.


2. Employees are properly trained for their positions and possess all required certificates, approvals, and permits.


3. Before starting an aesthetic medicine service, cosmetic treatment using specialized equipment and products, or SPA treatment, the employee is obliged to check the condition of their workspace and ensure they have a supply of disposable and protective materials, as well as the appropriate condition of tools.


4. Before starting an aesthetic medicine service, cosmetic treatment using specialized equipment and products, or SPA treatment, the employee must disinfect their workspace and hands. The same actions are to be performed during the service if interrupted, and after completing the service. The employee is also required to disinfect and sterilize reusable tools that break the continuity of the skin. Services are performed exclusively with disinfected and sterilized tools, as well as with disposable tools.


5. Clinic employees are obligated to keep their hands and nails in a condition that minimizes the risk of scratches and cuts.


6. Clinic employees are required to tie back their hair to minimize the risk of it coming into contact with the service area.


7. Clinic employees are required to comply with health and safety regulations.


8. Any deviations from the above rules should be reported immediately by clients to the owner, manager, or another member of the Clinic staff who is on duty at that time.


9. Clinic employees are required to undergo regular health checks to eliminate any diseases, infections, conditions, or ailments that could pose a health risk to the Buyer or be transmitted to the Buyer.


10. Employees with open wounds and cuts or weeping skin lesions that cannot be adequately protected from contact with the Buyer's body are excluded from providing cosmetic services until complete resolution of these issues.


11. In the event of an unintentional injury to the Buyer during the service, the service is immediately interrupted, and the injury site is promptly washed, disinfected, and covered with a sterile dressing appropriate to the severity of the injury. The interrupted service will be completed at a convenient time for the Buyer, without additional charges, after prior arrangement of the date and only after complete healing.


12. Only products approved for professional use are used for disinfection in the Clinic.


13. Disposable items used in the Clinic include: gloves, face masks, needles, syringes, cotton pads, applicators, cartridges. Reusable cosmetic tools are disinfected after the service. Tables, countertops, chairs, and floors are disinfected with broad-spectrum surface disinfectants.


14. Before starting an aesthetic medicine service, cosmetic treatment using specialized equipment and products, or SPA treatment, the employee conducts a conversation or questionnaire with the Buyer to determine if there are any contraindications based on health status, past illnesses, lifestyle, or other factors, as well as to establish post-treatment recommendations.


15. If there is any doubt regarding the Buyer’s health status or the safety of the service, the employee has the right to refuse to perform the service without any legal or financial consequences for the Clinic.


16. Providing false statements by the Buyer regarding health status and contraindications results in the Clinic being exempt from liability for the service performed in that regard.


17. Every Buyer who is to undergo an aesthetic medicine service or cosmetology treatment using specialized equipment and products must be informed about the contraindications and indications for that service.


18. The Buyer has the opportunity to ask questions about the service and receive comprehensive answers from the Clinic employee.


19. Before the service begins, the Buyer is obliged to inform the employee of any ailments that may constitute a contraindication to the aesthetic medicine service, cosmetic treatment using specialized equipment and products, or SPA treatment, and is required to sign a consent form if requested by the employee, as well as an acknowledgment of understanding the contraindications for the service.


20. The Buyer is obliged to inform the employee of any deterioration in their condition during the service.


21. The duration of an aesthetic medicine service, cosmetic treatment using specialized equipment and products, or SPA treatment is between 1 to 3 hours, depending on the service. During this time, there are no breaks in the service.


22. It is not permitted to bring children or animals to the service.


23. Delays of up to 10 minutes are accepted. In the case of a longer delay, the Clinic has the right to refuse to perform the service or to perform it only to the extent allowed by the time available. A delay does not reduce the price of the service.


24. A total ban on smoking and the use of tobacco and nicotine products, including electronic cigarettes, applies throughout the entire Clinic, as well as a total ban on the consumption of alcoholic beverages and other substances and narcotics.


25. The Clinic has the right to refuse service to a Buyer whose condition indicates the consumption of alcohol or other narcotics, without any legal or financial consequences for the Clinic.


26. After scheduling a visit to the Clinic, the Buyer receives an SMS or email confirmation of the date of their appointment before the planned service date.


27. In the case of the Clinic providing health services subject to the provisions of the Act of April 15, 2011, on medical activities, the provisions of that Act apply regarding consent to perform the service.


28. The Clinic advises all Buyers to undergo preventive medical examinations to check their overall health and rule out contraindications for the service before using the Clinic's services.





1. Descriptions of training sessions, their schedules, and benefits obtained after completing the training are discussed with the interested party before the training, on social media, or on the website


2. For in-person training, the Buyer receives training materials on the day of the training at the Seller's premises. The costs of producing the materials are covered by the deposit previously paid into the Seller's bank account.


3. For in-person training, the Buyer will receive a reminder via the provided phone number or by phone with details regarding the location and time of the training.


4. For in-person training, the Buyer receives a Certificate of Completion on the last day of the training, provided that all formal and legal requirements for completing the training are met.


5. The Certificate can be issued in one of the following languages: English. If the Buyer wishes to obtain additional certificates confirming participation in the training or a duplicate, the Buyer is obliged to pay £200 for the issuance of a duplicate Certificate of Completion.


6. When purchasing training, the Buyer selects the date of the training. If the Buyer does not participate in the training on the selected date and there is no agreement on rescheduling, the Seller reserves the right to terminate the Agreement. In such a case, the Buyer is not entitled to a refund of the payment made for the training.


7. The number of places for each training session is limited. The guarantee of the date is determined by the order of the deposit payment for the training.


8. The training materials prepared by the Seller and the educational process constitute a work (hereinafter referred to as "Works") within the meaning of the Act of February 4, 1994, on copyright and related rights.


9. The Seller undertakes to grant the Buyer the economic copyright to the Works during the term of the agreement and after its termination, and the Buyer agrees to use the materials entrusted to them and the content contained therein (including, in particular, the provided training materials) solely for personal learning purposes and agrees not to share them with third parties without the Seller's consent or the consent of another copyright owner.


10. The Seller offers the following training sessions:


   a) Needle Mesotherapy

   b) Injection Lipolysis

   c) Tissue Stimulators

   d) Hyaluronic Acid - basics of filling

   e) PDO/PLLA Threads

   f) Botox - basics

   g) Botox - advanced

   h) Lips Masterclass - master level lip modeling, various techniques including the proprietary HARMONY LIPS technique

   i) Volumetry / Facial Contouring


The Seller will inform the Buyer in advance of any changes to the training sessions.



Here's the translation:




1. The Seller reserves the right to change the prices of Services in the offer, withdraw certain Services from the offer, introduce new Services, and conduct promotional campaigns. This right does not affect orders placed before the date of the price change or the terms of promotional campaigns; those will be fulfilled under the previous conditions.


2. The duration of each promotion is limited.


3. Only one promotion can be used per transaction.


4. The Seller's promotions cannot be combined. For discounted items, no additional discount applies. In the case of simultaneous promotions, the Buyer decides which promotion to use.


5. The Seller also offers vouchers.


6. The Clinic suggests using the amount available on the voucher within one year from its purchase, as the Clinic's offer is periodically updated and changed.


7. By purchasing a voucher for a specific amount, the Buyer is fully aware of the requirement to use the amount available on the voucher within one year from the purchase at Skin Medicine Clinic. The voucher cannot be exchanged for cash.


8. The Seller is not responsible for the loss or destruction of the voucher.


9. The voucher holder is required to make a reservation at least 7 days in advance. The presentation of the voucher is required to perform the service.


10. The voucher holder is not entitled to receive a refund for any remaining balance if the entire amount for which the voucher was issued is not used.


11. If the price of the service exceeds the value of the voucher, the holder is obliged to pay the difference.


12. The Clinic has the right to refuse to honor the voucher if it is damaged to the point of being unreadable or if prior reservation has not been made.

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